Friday, January 1, 2010

Week 1 - Harley

Okay - I know I said my first post would be next week, but I had some spare time today and found myself grateful for some peace and quiet.

This is our new Lab puppy, Harley.  After she spent the morning barking wildly at the cat and our Cavapoo, digging up the mulch around our pear tree, and bringing in half of the dead grass in the backyard, I found myself extremely grateful that she finally wore herself out!

I can't complain too much though because she let me take about 25 pictures of her before she rolled over and completely ignored me.  She really is a good dog and we are glad she is part of our family!


  1. Cool! See she isn't so bad after all! But who names a "her" dog Harley! lol

  2. That is one contented dog. She's a beauty.

  3. I love your gratitude theme! I'm gonna have to do that sometime-- maybe each of my days in November.

  4. That is a great shot...makes you want to lay down and cuddle with him =)

  5. I just want to reach out and pet him. He looks so soft in this pic. What a sweetie!

  6. awwww. haley is so sweet. great dof. Way to start off week 1.

  7. Ohhh, how CUTE!! That is just too adorable.
